What is a Pick and Roll?

What is a Pick and Roll?

In the game of basketball, teamwork and strategy are vital components to a team’s success. Amidst the array of offensive plays, one strategy stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness is the pick-and-roll.

This fundamental play has become a cornerstone of modern basketball. It is utilized by teams at all levels, from youth leagues to professional competitions. I recall always calling for pick and rolls in high school basketball and still call them in basketball leagues I join as an adult.

What is a Pick and Roll?

The pick-and-roll is a collaborative offensive play that involves two players working in tandem to create scoring opportunities. The picker sets a screen to impede the defender, enabling the ball handler to drive or shoot. It confuses defenses, creates mismatches, and results in high-percentage scoring opportunities.

In this post, we further discuss what is a pick and roll, how it is executed, the benefits, analyzing its variations, and defensive strategies used to counter the play.

Whether you’re a basketball enthusiast seeking to expand your knowledge or a player looking to get better, understanding the pick-and-roll is essential.

What Are The Key Elements of a Pick-and-Roll?

During the pick and roll, there are three main elements: The picker, ball handler, and defenders guarding the pick and roll.

Lets take a look at all three and their involvement in more detail.

The Picker

The picker, also known as the screener, is typically a forward or center player. Their primary objective is to establish a solid screen by positioning themselves in the path of the defender guarding the ball handler. The picker’s positioning and timing are crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the play.

The Ball Handler

The ball handler is the offensive player with possession of the basketball. Their responsibility is to read the defense, anticipate the actions of the defender, and exploit the opening created by the screen. The ball handler has several options after utilizing the screen, such as driving to the basket for a lay up or slam dunk, passing to an open teammate, or taking a jump shot.

The Defender

The defender is the opposing player assigned to guard the ball handler. Their task is to navigate around the screen set by the picker and recover to their defensive position. Defenders must make split-second decisions to avoid being screened effectively while maintaining pressure on the ball handler. Defenders will have to choose to go underneath or over the screen, but need to choose wisely.

Going over the screen, gives the ball handler an open lane to the basket and going underneath the screen gives the ball handler an open shot. The defender needs to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the ball handler to make the right read.

Executing the pick-and-roll requires coordination, timing, and effective decision-making from the picker and the ball handler. Let’s now break down the step-by-step process of how the pick-and-roll is executed on the basketball court.

What is The Difference Between Pick and Roll & Pick and Pop?

During a pick and roll, the screener will roll to the basket after the screen for a potential lay up. During a pick and pop the screener, will pop out to the perimeter for a potential jump shot. That is the main difference between pick and roll and pick and pop.


Throughout this article, we have explored the fundamentals of the pick-and-roll, understanding its definition, key elements, and execution. We have seen how the picker sets a screen to impede the defender, providing the ball handler with options to attack the defense. The play’s success lies in the ability of the ball handler to make quick decisions based on the defense’s reaction, whether it’s driving to the basket, taking a jump shot, or finding an open teammate.